Help us keep the museum open and operational. You can make a donation for one of our projects or make a donations for membership. Keep reading below for our membership options and even further down this page you can find learn about our Project Wish List.
Three Annual Membership Options
Memberships are valid from January 1st through December 31st. Memberships purchased after September 31st will be valid for the following year.
- Enjoy free admission for one adult every time you visit the Museum.
- Take 10% off items in the Gift Shop and 10% off admission into Museum special events & programs.
- Enjoy free admission for two (2) adults and children ages 0-17 every time you visit the Museum.
- Take 10% off items in the Gift Shop and 10% off admission into Museum special events & programs.
- Enjoy free admission for two (2) adults and children ages 0-17 every time you visit the Museum
Take 10% off purchases from the Gift Shop - Receive two (2) complimentary tickets to every Museum special events and programs.
Special Projects & Museum Donation Wish List
With 26 buildings to maintain, there is always a need for funding for special projects.
Current fundraisers include our new Timeline, Heritage Hall Rebuild, the new Rock & Mineral Exhibit and repairs and rebuild of the Mining Memorial.
Additionally, after spending $67,000 in 2022 on historic building preservation, you can make a donation to refill those accounts.
If you would like to help us out with a specific project, see our wish list by clicking here.
Questions? Call (906) 265-2617.